Psycho-Educational Assessments
At The Safe Zone, I utilize a comprehensive suite of psych-educational assessments from Pearson Clinical, a leading provider in the field. These tools are meticulously chosen to address a wide range of emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and developmental issues in children and adolescents.
Digital Solutions: Q-Global and Q-Interactive
To ensure precision and flexibility, I employ Pearson's Q-Global and Q-Interactive digital platforms. Q-Global is a secure, web-based system that facilitates scoring and reporting, accessible from any internet-connected device. It streamlines the assessment process by providing quick and standardized results. Q-Interactive transforms tablets into interactive assessment administration tools, making the process more engaging for clients and reducing manual errors commonly associated with paper-based assessments.
Certification and Qualifications
I am certified at a C level, the highest level of qualification for administering Pearson’s assessments, requiring advanced degrees and professional credentials. My certification is backed by an MSc in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology and registration with the Dutch Institute of Psychologists (NIP), affirming my expertise and adherence to professional standards in psychological practices.
Validity and Reliability
All assessments used are scientifically validated and known for their reliability and accuracy. These tools are rigorously tested across various populations and continuously updated to align with the latest research and clinical best practices, meeting the highest standards of testing efficacy.
Compliance with Data Protection
I prioritize data protection by using platforms that comply with strict privacy and security laws. Q-Global and Q-Interactive ensure client information is safeguarded through encrypted data storage and secure transmission protocols. These measures align with international data protection regulations, including the GDPR, ensuring that client data is handled with the utmost confidentiality and security.
By integrating these advanced digital tools and methodologies, The Safe Zone enhances the assessment process, ensuring personalized, secure, and highly effective support to meet each client's unique developmental needs.
For more information, please visit
Available Assessments
WISC-V (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fifth Edition)
Measures: Cognitive ability and intelligence.
For Who: Children aged 6 to 16.
Validity: Widely recognized and highly valid, used globally for assessing cognitive development.
D-KEFS (Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System)
Measures: Executive functions, including flexibility of thinking, problem-solving, planning, impulse control, and conceptual learning.
For Who: Ages 8-89.
Validity: Well-validated, offering a comprehensive assessment of executive functions.
CULT 3 (Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence - Third Edition)
Measures: Nonverbal intellectual ability.
For Who: Individuals aged 6 to 89, useful for those with limited English proficiency.
Validity: Reliable in assessing nonverbal reasoning and problem-solving skills across diverse populations.
WMS-IV (Wechsler Memory Scale - Fourth Edition)
Measures: Different aspects of memory functioning.
For Who: Adults aged 16-90.
Validity: Standardized, valid tool for assessing memory impairment and decline.
KTEA-3 (Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement - Third Edition)
Measures: Key academic skills like reading, math, written language, and oral language.
For Who: Ages 4-25.
Validity: Highly reliable for educational planning and diagnosis of learning disabilities.
WIAT-III (Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - Third Edition)
Measures: Academic achievement in reading, math, written language, and oral language.
For Who: Children and adults aged 4-50.
Validity: Well-established, widely used for identifying learning disabilities and determining eligibility for special education services.
WRAT-5 (Wide Range Achievement Test - Fifth Edition)
Measures: Reading recognition, spelling, and math computation.
For Who: Ages 5-85.
Validity: Renowned for its wide applicability in diagnosing learning disabilities.
CELF-5 (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Fifth Edition)
Measures: Language skills in the areas of syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and memory.
For Who: Ages 5-21.
Validity: Highly regarded for diagnosing language disorders.
GFTA-3 (Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation - Third Edition)
Measures: Speech articulation ability.
For Who: Ages 2-21.
Validity: Standard in articulation testing, highly reliable.
KLPA-3 (Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis - Third Edition)
Measures: Phonological process use by analyzing speech errors.
For Who: Used alongside GFTA-3.
Validity: Provides valuable insights when combined with GFTA-3, reliable and precise.
EVT-3 (Expressive Vocabulary Test - Third Edition)
Measures: Expressive vocabulary and word retrieval.
For Who: Ages 2-90.
Validity: Effective for assessing vocabulary knowledge and retrieval issues.
NEPSY-2 (A Developmental NEuroPSYchological Assessment, Second Edition)
Measures: Neuropsychological development in children to identify learning disabilities, developmental disorders, and other neurological impairments.
For Who: Ages 3-16.
Validity: Comprehensive and highly specific, supports detailed clinical evaluations.
RBANS Update (Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status Update)
Measures: Cognitive decline or improvement across five cognitive domains.
For Who: Adults.
Validity: Useful for tracking cognitive changes, validated for clinical and research settings.
BASC-3 (Behavior Assessment System for Children - Third Edition)
Measures: Behaviors, emotions, and self-perceptions.
For Who: Ages 2-25.
Validity: Comprehensive multi-method, multi-informant assessment system, widely respected.
BDI-II (Beck Depression Inventory - Second Edition)
Measures: Severity of depression.
For Who: Adolescents and adults.
Validity: High validity and reliability in clinical and normal populations.
BOT-2 (Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency - Second Edition)
Measures: Motor proficiency including fine and gross motor skills.
For Who: Ages 4-21.
Validity: Well-established motor assessment with comprehensive diagnostic capabilities.
Brown EF/A Scale (Brown Executive Function/Attention Scales)
Measures: Impairments in executive functioning and attention.
For Who: Ages 3-80.
Validity: Effective in diagnosing ADHD and other executive function disorders.
BYI-2 (Beck Youth Inventories - Second Edition)
Measures: Emotional and social impairment in children and adolescents.
For Who: Ages 7-18.
Validity: Provides comprehensive insights into emotional and social functioning.
D-REF (Delis Rating of Executive Functions)
Measures: Parent and teacher ratings of children's executive functions in everyday situations.
For Who: Ages 5-18.
Validity: Offers valuable real-world insights, validated for educational and clinical use.
MACI-II (Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory - Second Edition)
Measures: Personality patterns and clinical syndromes in adolescents.
For Who: Ages 13-19.
Validity: Comprehensive tool for understanding complex adolescent behaviors.
MMPI-A-RF (Minnesota Multi-phasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent-Restructured Form)
Measures: Psychological and personality disorders in adolescents.
For Who: Ages 14-18.
Validity: Based on the well-established MMPI-2-RF but adapted for adolescent use, highly reliable.
Sensory Profile 2
Measures: Children’s sensory processing patterns.
For Who: Ages Birth-14.
Validity: Widely used, validated tool for evaluating sensory processing issues.
SSIS SEL (Social Skills Improvement System Social-Emotional Learning Edition)
Measures: Social-emotional learning skills.
For Who: Ages 3-18.
Validity: Effective in assessing and promoting social-emotional competencies.
Vineland 3 (Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Third Edition)
Measures: Adaptive behavior including communication, daily living skills, socialization, motor skills, and maladaptive behaviors.
For Who: All ages.
Validity: Essential for diagnosing and assessing developmental delays and disabilities.
Each assessment has been carefully chosen for its scientific rigor and ability to provide detailed insights into various aspects of a child's development, ensuring comprehensive support tailored to each individual's needs.